UK Scholarships Guideline

Financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, and bursaries aims to provide crucial support to students throughout their academic journey. These awards vary in their criteria, often reflecting the values and goals of the awarding organizations.
UK Scholarships Guideline
UK Scholarship Guideline

While the terms scholarship, grant, and bursary might appear interchangeable, their fundamental essence remains consistent. They represent funds granted to students without the obligation of repayment.

As a general rule:

  • Scholarships typically reward accomplishments, whether academic or in extracurricular pursuits.
  • Grants acknowledge achievements, personal situations, or financial requirements.
  • Bursaries primarily cater to individuals with financial need.

Despite the lack of strict guidelines, these terms often encompass various funding options.

There's a misconception that scholarships solely favor the highly academically gifted, while grants and bursaries cater exclusively to those in financial need. However, numerous funding avenues exist to enhance university access across diverse profiles.

Explore these examples of available scholarships:

  1. Scholarships for Academic Excellence: Numerous universities extend financial awards to students attaining specific grades in their A-levels, aiming to attract high-achieving individuals to select their institution. These scholarships aren't exclusively tied to A*AA; some universities provide funding for grades like ABB or even lower.
  2. Music Scholarships: For students with musical talent willing to perform during their university tenure, there are diverse scholarships available catering to both choral and instrumental enthusiasts.
  3. Personal Circumstance Scholarships: These awards consider factors unique to your situation, including your residence, school, parental occupation, experiences like being in care, or even personal choices like following a vegetarian lifestyle.
  4. Need-Based Scholarships: These scholarships follow the traditional route, providing financial support to individuals facing economic challenges that might hinder their university education. Demonstrating your financial need is usually required.
  5. Brand-Oriented Scholarships: Tailored to meet marketing goals, these scholarships are often provided by companies seeking visibility among students. They're accessible to all students irrespective of their field of study or university choice, typically valued at approximately £5,000.

What likelihood do I have of securing a scholarship?

Surprisingly, numerous scholarship providers face challenges in attracting sufficient applicants, which could work to your advantage.
While we can't guarantee everyone who applies will secure a scholarship, there are certainly opportunities open to all. Not applying significantly diminishes your chances of winning one! Listen to the experiences of successful students for more insights.

What's the ideal time to submit my application?

Scholarship deadlines differ, so it's crucial to review each one individually for application timelines. Some may ask for applications before A-level results, while others require confirmation of your university spot. Additionally, keep an eye out during your second or third university year; there are scholarships available then too. A timely cash infusion is always a welcome support for students.

Selection Criteria: The choices listed here reflect the grounds on which awards are granted. For instance, if you seek scholarships based on your origin or your parents' military service, choose 'Personal Circumstances' under 'Selection Criteria'.

Course:  You have the option to choose a specific subject of interest from the list or opt for the broader category of higher-level subjects. For instance, if you're seeking scholarships in Mathematics & Physics, selecting 'Physical Sciences' will encompass both. Additionally, running a search for 'Open to any subject' can reveal opportunities available to all students, regardless of their chosen field.

Taking the time to explore smaller charities providing educational grants is worthwhile. The 'Guide to Educational Grants,' available in larger libraries, lists these organizations. Alternatively, you can access a database of 3,500 charities & trusts offering educational grants through our Members Benefits.